The CARE project made significant strides in its mission through a series of critical activities and meetings. The first transnational project meeting was held in Cyprus from April 23 to 25, 2024, bringing together partners to align on goals and strategies. On April 24, a crucial Learning Lab activity took place in Nicosia, involving 16 participants. This session was instrumental in helping the consortium and participants gain a deeper understanding of the complex phenomenon of social death.
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Following this productive gathering, the project partners reconvened online on June 17 to discuss and coordinate the next phase of the project's implementation. The piloting of the survey has been in progress throughout June and is set to conclude on June 25, paving the way for the next phase of the project's implementation.
The piloting survey is essential to precheck the usefulness of the survey items, which aim to identify baseline knowledge of our target group (e.g., adult educators, SME representatives, employed adults, and adult learners) on the social death phenomenon and uncover the challenges they face in this era. The piloting phase will enable partnership to adjust any errors in the preliminary survey, thus ensuring confidence throughout the actual implementation of the survey.